Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Moves: The Brugger Cog Wheel

Today's Monday Move picks up where we left up with posture.  It is really a thought with a great picture that you can apply to any seated position.

Alois Brugger, a Swiss neurologist, demonstrated his concept that there is an interplay between the spinal segments with the cog wheel model.  If you think about the segments of the spine acting like a cog wheel you can see the effect that one direction has on the other.  It also demonstrates the Phyics principle: "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."  You can see the difference in actions between the two pictures and also see the different outcome.

Simply grounding down through the sit-bones, can cause a reaction of a lift chest bone bringing one to a more upright posture.  Also, it seems like using this method exerts a whole lot less effort than the typical way we react when we are told by our mothers to "stand up straight."  This concept is not a new one.  But I think the model that Brugger created gives a great picture for us.  It reminds me of the first principle of Alignment Yoga - grounding.

Now you're turn.

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