Friday, January 25, 2013

31 Ways to be Uncomfortable

In honor of my 31st year, I am going to try to come up with 31 ways to get out of my comfort zone.  This is the place where I grow.  I am not made to get comfortable yet I get comfortable in life and my walk with the Lord so easily.   I am going to be on the look out this year for ways to get uncomfortable.

I saw the cutest movie this weekend with my friend Bronwen (aka - Bee).  It is the one with Matt Damen called "We Bought a Zoo."  One of my favorite quotes from this movie was that "it only takes 20 seconds of courage."  And after that a whole life can change or world can change or belief can change.   I am going to shoot for at least 620 seconds of courage over the next year.  I might not blog about every event.  But I hope to share what I learn from these little challenges as they come up.  Here is my first uncomfortable situation.

Signing up for a 5K.  It is not that a race or competition is all that foreign to me.  I have been known to sign up for any competition that keeps a score.  The thing that made me uncomfortable about this situation is that I have not been running.  I know how many injuries can result from improper training.  I thought I was heading directly towards this long list of overuse injuries because I was not all.  I could list all the reasons why I am not running but that is besides the point.  I was just going to the race to hangout with some friends and because on that Saturday morning there just wasn't much to do.  I began to see the worst possible scenerio in my head when we got to the race and found out it was actually a 5 mile race instead of a 5K.  I figured I would be walking across the finish line, but since it was such a beautiful January day in Western Tennessee - I just couldn't say "no."  I started with Bee at approximately a 11:45 minute mile pace.  We had good conversation going and at the 4 mile mark, I was still feeling pretty good.  In fact, I was feeling GREAT.  So I picked up the pace and was pretty much amazed that my body was able to finish that last mile.  This made me realize in broad daylight that when I put myself out there, I may just be surprised at the outcome.  Sometimes I can over analyze to the point that I can talk myself out of just about anything.  But in my own calculations I tend to forget or have no ability to predict the amount of grace that my good Father will pour out over my endeavors.  I don't control it.  I can't earn it.  It just shows up.  It is a gift. Whether I see it or not.  Whether I receive it or I don't.  Whether I am thankful for it or not.  It is all grace.

I am not recommending jumping into just any race with out the proper training.  I think the boring ways that I get my cardio workouts in such as hopping on the elliptical for 30 minutes or swimming a few laps each week and spinning on the indoor bike contributed to the success of this race day.  But I know that it's all about grace.  And that I tend to forget this variable when I am making those big life decisions and also those everyday choices that make-up a life.

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