Friday, August 31, 2012

Ship shape

I am back on the Bamu River in the Western Province of PNG. We have just completed 1 week of outreach. It has been super busy. My role has changed. I have moved into the cook assistant role as they already had a physio signed up for this outreach and they really needed someone to help out with all things galley (nautical language for kitchen) and mess hall. It has been a whole new world of cleaning up after and cooking for 50 people everyday. But i have loved getting to know the crew and staff better. In the galley, we try our best to keep all these bellies happy. Which means breakfast,  lunch, dinner AND morning and afternoon tea. The teas usually mean some starchy baked food. We only get one fresh fruit a day, which is definitely what i miss the most besides ice cream and real coffee.  Getting everything in ship shape has been busy but i have still made it to 3 different villages and teach a couple back and knee health classes.  Today was a huge highlight because i was back in a village that we worked in a couple weeks ago.  It was great seeing familiar faces.

1 comment:

tru said...

there is a village, Dawson, in the Southern Province with sweet tea and chronic low back pain, can't wait for you to make a house call.
