Saturday, November 01, 2008

Thanksgiving: Day One

So I have decided to give thanks out loud (or via blog) about at least one thing I am thankful for each day of November. Lately, I have just been blah...nothing too good, nothing too bad. I hope this will be a way to remind me that life is really good, even when it doesn't work out the way I think it should. Also, I want it to be a reminder that God is good.

"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. In the exercise of His will Hebrought us forth by the works of truth so that we would be a kind of first fruits among His creatures."

James 1:17-18

Today, I am thankful for one more beautiful Fall day up here in Madison. It was perfect. Sun shining. Cool, but a light jacket was not even needed. Due to the awesome weather. Lisa and I worked finished closing down the garden plot. On a side note, my friend Mary came by and shared with us while we were there about this women's conference she went to a couple weeks ago. My ears perked up when she said that John Piper gave a talk on True Womanhood. Check out the website and I encourage you to listen at least to Piper's talk from Thursday, October 9th. Be prepared to be challenged on how you have been living your calling as a woman. Anyways, back to the beautiful Autumn day. Then I went to the park just a few more blocks down from my apartment. I just laid in the grass and caught up on some much needed journaling. Just getting my thoughts out on paper really helped clear up some of the thoughts that have been going about 90 mph in my brain. It was a great day...until the game, but I am also still thankful to be a Dawg!

1 comment:

marisa said...

i'm excited for your november daily thankful blogs...what a great idea! :) and please tell me you took that picture?? beautiful!!