It's one of the joys and woes of being single. Yep, you know what I'm talking about. One of your married friends who has completely forgotten what it's like out there in the dating world has this "perfect" friend that she wants you to meet. (This story is told from the woman's point of view...I'm not really familiar with the guy's side of all this).
So she talks to him and she talks to you and works out a "casual" meeting place. You know, a place like Barnes and Noble for coffee or Panera for lunch. The good thing about meeting somewhere is that you do have a way out (ahhh, I've got to go to the waterpark tonight- it was nice meeting you), and it saves you from the awkward do I wait for him to open the door/walk me to the door/make a mad dash for the door scenarios. However, the meeting can be potentially awkward, let's face it the expectations are high. In the back of your friend's mind she's picking out what color she wants the bridesmaid dresses to be (True story- my brother had a friend who was trying to set him up with one of her friends and on her friend's myspace page she literally put what color she wanted the dresses to be...crazy!). Meanwhile, your mind is floating from the extremes of..."maybe this will at least be a little hydration in the desert""he does sound great, maybe this could be IT."
So after the time and the meeting place are set, the day finally comes, which could potentially be many weeks after this whole idea was brought expectations can be even higher. On "setup" day when you're getting ready you try to look the best you can but in a way that looks like you spent minimal effort doing it. You wear something casual, but straighten the hair, brush the know the little things.
The meeting is all about keeping the conversation flowing...if you find something in common stick with it...milk that for all it's worth...avoid awkward silences at all costs!!! Even if it requires talking about wrestling matches or big dogs.
Coming to a's best if you do schedule something later on that you do have to get back I'm meeting my roommate tonight for karaoke... A. it shows that you some personality, especially if you have something cool planned and B. it gives you something to bring the convo to a close with..."well, have fun singing 'Sweet Child of Mine' tonight" (what you have already alluded to as your "go to" karaoke song).
Lastly, as Tom Petty says "The waiting is the hardest part"...if it went well, you wonder what he thought, if it didn't go well, you wonder when you'll find that the cycle continues...
My Olympic crush is Seth Wescott. He is HOT.
Why MK, I had no idea you were such a blog fanatic these day! Well done. I don't have an olympic crush.
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