In Bible study on Wednesday, our leader suggested that repentence is like a dance. No he was not equating repentence to what you might see on Soul Train, but more of what you would see on Dancing with the Stars. Before you deem me a heretic, let me explain. I am no expert on ballroom dancing, but I have taken my share of beginner lessons. When you see the instructor demonstrate the steps in a fluid and eloquent manner, you think- "I've got this." However, from my experience, taking your partners hand for the first time can be awkward as he intends to lead in a certain direction, particularly when the steps are new and was always my natural tendency to try to take over. Once you begin to practice the steps with your partner, the point comes where you actually feel comfortable letting him lead as you waltz around the floor. But since we would only practice the steps at ballroom dance lessons once a week, each Monday we had to basically start from scratch until we got back in sync.
So this is where the analogy comes in, repentence is not meant to be steps that are learned once, but steps that are practiced continually throughout your days. I fall short of this a lot because I feel like it takes to much time or I just plain forget who I'm living for...but the truth is once the steps of conviction, confession, and walking in obedience are learnt and you allow the Holy Spirit to be your professional ball room dancing partner (who knows all the steps and is constantly counting for you so you stay on track)-- a life of repentance is attainable...may we continue to strive for perfection in all of our daily waltzes!
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