Friday, June 17, 2005

Hi, I'm ....

I like to call it the curse of having a double name. Growing up, I didn't really like being called Mary Katherine, but it was better than being called Mary b/c then I'd be Mary Martin- which is the girl who played Peter Pan (in the version I used to watch)- and I didn't want to go by that. Well, by high school I had gotten used to the double name and had accumulated many nicknames: Mary Kay (which I no longer go by- I couldn't take the cosmetic jokes, Snoz (I broke my nose in a softball incident), Mortal Kombat (M.K.- get it?), and Superstar (SNL skit). In college I was glad I had a double name- b/c there were so many Marys and Katherines- and by the end of my 4 years I, for the most part, went by M.K. When I came up to Virginia, apparently the only people that had double names up here were Catholic nuns, because that's the question that most people asked me about my name. It's kind of funny because I'm 23 and I still don't know how to introduce myself...haha! If I say "Hi, I'm M.K" the "Mmmm" sound comes out funny sometimes and I have to repeat myself. The kicker from this last experience of the double name curse is that I introduced myself as Mary Katherine...then all of a sudden everyone at the camp was calling me Mary Kate! Did I ever say that??? I don't think so- but it's cool. I'll answer to almost anything.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Mr. T says: "I pity the fool who doesn't update her blog!"